The Secret Instagram Strategy


Train the Algorithm to Work for You and Explode your Growth on Instagram

Congratulations to you! It was an extremely smart decision to pick Instagram, the most popular social media platform, to grow your author brand and to find your writing community. At the end of 2021, CNBC reported that Instagram now has 2 billion monthly active users. Instagram remains one of the most downloaded apps worldwide. All that growth means loads of potential for you to reach new readers!

But how do you reach all those people? I got you covered!

Welcome Writer Friends! Let’s learn how to train the Algorithm to work for you and explode your growth on Instagram!

Recently a writer friend made a comment on one of my posts. They wrote, ‘I wish I didn’t have to fight the IG algorithm.’

My answer to this - The algorithm isn’t something you want to fight, hack, or beat. You should leverage the algorithm to work for you. But first, you have to get the algorithm’s attention and teach it who your content is for.

News Flash - the algorithm works! The olden days of a chronological feed was replaced with an efficient way for Instagram to display content that each specific user is interested in consuming. Basically, the algorithm is a match maker for content and users. This match making keeps each user on the platform for longer. If the user is on the platform longer, it gives your content a much better chance of reaching them. Think of all the potential!

I have even more news for you. Another reason you want to leverage the algorithm instead of trying to beat or hack it - There is more than one algorithm at work on Instagram.

Instagram has algorithms for managing each type of content on the platform. There are separate algorithms for Feed Posts, Stories, Reels, and the Explore Page and they each grow and adapt as needed to keep up with the popularity of Instagram.

Think of the Instagram algorithms working like a school crossing guard. They are out in the middle of all those users and all that content, helping everything get to where it needs to go. You want the school crossing guard to recognize you and your content immediately and help you on your journey to arrive ‘home’ safely. (Home being in front of your intended readers.)

Every time you post and interact on Instagram you are training the algorithm. There are 3 main things you want to keep in mind when teaching the Instagram algorithm:

  • That your content is engaging and keeps people on the platform.

  • That your content is the perfect match for your ideal follower.

  • That your content is quality, entertaining, and current.

How to Train the Algorithm

1. Use relevant Keywords in your posts.

The algorithm can read both the graphic image and the caption to learn what your post is about. Once it understands your content, it can more easily make successful matches between your content and users. This also teaches the algorithm which new accounts would most like your content and therefore help you reach their Explore Pages.

2. Post consistently and at the right time.

Whatever you decide is the best posting frequency for you and your ideal follower, stick to that schedule. This trains both your followers and the algorithm to know when to expect your content. This can boost engagement on your posts, which in turn can boost reach.

Use IG Insights to determine when your followers are most likely to be using Instagram. Posting just before this time can increase the chances that your followers will see your content first. This early engagement is key to boosting reach.

If you need ideas to help keep a consistent posting schedule, check out this article right here where I share all my Top Secret content ideas for growth on Instagram in 2023.

3. Try new features (like Reels).

If you scroll the Explorer Page, you will notice a lot of accounts who share new features and even some accounts that teach you how to use new features. This is Instagram teaching you what it wants you to try. So take note! If sharing new features worked for other accounts, it can work for you, too!

The Explorer Page used to be reserved for super popular content. But not anymore. You have a chance to be shared on the Explore pages of people who do not follow you yet. Thanks to the algorithm, each of our Explorer Pages are unique to what we want to see as consumers of Instagram. This makes it the perfect place to try to reach new followers.

4. Use hashtags.

Use relevant hashtags to teach the Feed Posts and Reels algorithms about your content. (You don’t need to use hashtags on Stories.) When your relevant content is shown to people who follow certain hashtags, it is more likely to be enjoyed and engaged with. This teaches Instagram that you make content that keeps people on the app longer.

Essentially, the longer people take to read and engage (likes, shares, comments, saves) with your content, the more Instagram will share it. And if your posts are really good, IG will rank your content high on the Top tab on that relevant hashtags homepage. (Each hashtag has a homepage which features: a Top tab, a Recent tab, and a Reels tab.) The Top tab of as many hashtags as possible is a great place for your content to be in order for new accounts to find and follow you.

5. Engage with the types of accounts that best match your ideal reader.

When you first post, the algorithm will test your content by showing it to your closest friends, aka your A-Team. If your content performs well with your A-Team, then it goes out to a wider circle of friends, your B-Team. Content that performs well with your B-Team, gets pushed to the Explorer page and gets featured on a hashtag’s Top tab. This is where you find people who do not follow you yet and potential new Team Members. (Yet another example of why it is important to post consistently and at the right time.)

Building relationships with a solid A-Team and B-Team sets you up for success according to the algorithm. You can do this through engagement and interaction. Interaction history on your posts, on your stories, and in your DM’s (Direct Messages) helps teach the algorithm who your A-Team friends are. Hot tip: the content I see at the top of my home feed most often is from the accounts that I most often DM.

*Stay tuned for more on building your Instagram Team down below.

6. Be original and uniquely you.

You want your posts to prompt readers to engage. You want to invite comments, likes, shares, and saves on all of your types of content on the platform. Use your originality and uniqueness to get people to pay attention and interact. This boost in interaction is a great way to train the algorithm and get your content featured on the Explorer Page.

Note: In the most recent algorithm update, we were told that Re-posted and Re-shared content was going to be pushed way down in priority. This means that Re-shared content, either your own or from another Instagram account, or content with watermarks from other social media platforms (Tiktok), will not be shared with many people. That content will get buried.

7. Ride a trend.

High Quality Reels are the current trend on Instagram. When you scroll the Reels tab, you are being shown Reels that are about similar types of content (whatever you have shown the most interest in watching) and most importantly, you are shown Reels that are high, high quality.

When you post high quality reels, you are teaching the algorithm that you are paying attention to the latest trends. You are teaching Instagram that you are a trend setter.

8. Keep going. You got this!

If you stop using your account, this trains the algorithm to expect no new content from you. It teaches the algorithm to forget about you and you might find it is like starting from scratch whenever you decide to return to posting.

One way to stay consistent on Instagram is by participating in a challenge. On Instagram, communities form around a challenge calendar and a list of content prompts. Check out the Writer Friends Challenge here and follow the hashtag #writerfriendschallenge on Instagram. Each month we post a free content calendar with new prompts for each day of the week.

Bonus: Don’t underestimate the value in asking for engagement. This can be done by simply using a basic Call-To-Action. Ask people to comment, share, and like your posts. It never hurts to ask politely.

How do you grow your Instagram Team?

Important: With billions of people using Instagram, plus its particular and challenging algorithm that you have to train to work for you, you have only one chance at grabbing someone's attention and getting them to follow you! So your Instagram Bio needs to be in top shape!

Getting people to check out your profile (Instagram Bio) is the key. Once they are on your profile, then your profile must entice them to turn the key and tap ‘Follow’. But how? What should be included in your profile to get them to turn that key?

This is why I created the Instagram Bio Checklist For Growth in 2023. And you can download my pdf for free right here.


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