Writerly Advice - Navigating Storms


Writerly Advice for Authors - Navigating Storms

“I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship.”

Little Women

Louisa May Alcott

Writing is a complete joy. But the journey of taking an idea or a dream all the way to a book passes through many storms. But I hope you remember to enjoy learning and emerging stronger for having gained and grown because of the storms.

Sometimes, one of the biggest storms we writers deal with is a case of the doldrums. Our WIP progresses too slowly or stops completely. We lose the P in our WIP! We have plenty of wonderful excuses: family, holidays, trips to refill our coffee. (I am in line right behind you.) But I have high hopes for us writers! When the progress halts, it is time to weigh anchor and throttle up right out of the doldrums! Now is the time for goal-setting!

When goal-setting, make a list on your computer, phone, or notepad. I love Google Keep. I have the app on my phone and I can also reference Google Keep in the right-hand column on Google Docs as I am writing. Make your goals realistic and do-able. You can make a list that will take you through the week, month, or any time period that works for your goals. 

Can you manage one scene edit a day? Put each scene on your list with the date for completion.

Do you have a word count goal per day? Put the number goal on your list for each day and watch it add it.


This past July, I committed to revising 6 scenes a week as part of editing my current WIP. I made a chart in Canva. With each scene edit, I placed a little coffee mug on the chart.

“Susan, why a coffee mug?”

Well, fun fact about me (foreshadowed above)—I run on coffee. (This message is #sponsoredbycoffee) 

“You fail only if you stop writing.” ~Ray Bradbury


Whatever the storm, whatever the goal, keep writing. Look back on everything you have already accomplished and celebrate. Even if it is the fact that you had an idea. You created an idea that only you could create. That is something to be very proud of. You have learned and grown through each of your writing storms. You have gotten stronger. Now, get back to writing. We are waiting to read your story.

Something to think about:

What was the last ‘storm’ you sailed through on your writing journey? 

How did it make you better?

There are actually many more storms that a writer will face on their journey. If you would like me to post more about writer storms or have questions about a particular storm you are facing, let me know in the comments. Good luck with your writing goals and keeping the P in your WIP! Here is my WIP: A Wondrous Tale. Until next time, have fun indulging your imagination!

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